Gospel FACTS Discussion Guide (one A4 page).
Gospel FACTS Outline (7 A4 pages).
Which God? Discussion Guide (one A4 page)
Which Gospel? Discussion Guide (two A4 pages)
Recommended Reading:
The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John to see how Jesus led people to faith.
"Proper Confidence: Faith, Doubt, and Certainty in Christian Discipleship" by Lesslie Newbigin
"Science and Christianity - Understanding the conflict myth" by Chris Mulherin
"Truth to Tell: The Gospel as Public Truth" by Lesslie Newbigin
"Foolishness to the Greeks: The Gospel and Western Culture" by Lesslie Newbigin
"The Gospel in a Pluralist Society" by Lesslie Newbigin
"Personal Knowledge - Towards a Post-Critical Philosophy" by Michael Polanyi
"Thinking Through Creation: Genesis 1 and 2 as tools of cultural critique" by Christopher Watkin
Some people are of the opinion that it is wrong to share our faith with others in our pluralistic world. But Jesus spoke to anyone, Jews, Samaritans, Gentiles, even Romans. Furthermore, Jesus imparts his Spirit to his followers so they can participate with him in the work of the Kingdom of God. God wants people saved from perishing and sent his Son into the world, at great cost, to rescue his people. The task may seem impossible, but the Spirit is with you in waking up those who are asleep in the Kingdom of darkness which I have called Dummy World. The AI generated image to the left is of a dummy coming to life. It didn't make the final cut of the video, so I have used it here.
The world has fallen for the lies of the enemy. It is difficult to get through to someone who is coming from a different world view to you. Postmodernism has rejected many of the claims of modernism and that opens a door for Christians to present an alternative to the inevitable nihilism that postmoderns are confronted with. We share the story of what God has done and is still doing. God is not finished yet, but we know the outcome with the certainty of faith in the trustworthiness of God.
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